Jane R. LeBlanc
Marketing Copywriter

I still remember when my parents agreed to pay for two super expensive college degrees, and I promised that one day, I would use everything I learned to write the next great American novel.
Naturally, I've made a career out of writing punny Instagram captions about ice cream mocktails and personified bottles of mayo going on vacation. And I'm happier than I've ever been.
Over the years, I've discovered my specialty and passion is organic social media creative concepting and writing. It's what I love and what I'm good at.
My marketing tone of voice leans fun, witty, playful, and sarcastic, all while getting the information where it needs to go: from social feed to followers.
Check out what I've done below.

portfolio & resume
A compilation of both marketing and editorial pieces for both online and print, from organic social media and website copy to product catalogs and magazine features.
A chronological view of my relevant job history, including major accomplishments and responsibilities.
Additional samples available upon request.